Recording presentation instruction

To participate in the conference online, you need to prepare a recording of your presentation.
A presentation recording is an MP4 video in which the voice is superimposed on the presentation slides.

The video should not be longer than 15 minutes.

The video must be in MP4 format.

  • When saving a video, name it using the number of your paper: IHPC-2020-XXX.mp4, where XXX is the number of your report. For example, for a participant with the report number 55, the video title will be IHPC-2020-55.mp4.
  • You can record voice-over audio for a presentation directly in PowerPoint. To record and play audio, your computer must be equipped with a microphone and speakers.
  • To learn HOW to RECORD a slideshow with narration and slide timing, follow this link: - show-with-dars-and-slide-timeings -0B9502C6-5F6C-40AE-B1E7-E47D8741161C
Information with instructions for uploading your video
will be published on the conference website until July 30.
Welcome to 20th IHPC & 14th IHPS!

Address: Krasnokazarmennaya 14, Moscow, 111250 Russia.
Phone: +7 (962) 949-54-10